Admission 2024

For more details on admission please contact us or read the official admission page for EU citizens.
Admission for non-EU citizens: here

REGISTRATION: 2-6 Sept., 2024

- Online, by accessing the application available during the admission period: (the guide for using platform is available if you click on this text)

o Link to the admission application:

- Display of the lists of registered candidates and allocation of candidates to rooms/committees: 9 Sept. 2024

- Admission competition (interview): 10 Sept. 2024 (physical presence/face to face)
- Display of results (by form of funding): 12 Sept. 2024
- Possible appeals: 12-13 Sept. 2024
- Display of results of appeals: 16 Sept.2024
- Place confirmation*: 12-17 Sept. 2024 (Monday to Friday between 9:00 - - 14:00)

Application fees for Master 2024 admission:

  • 150 lei first registration (option);
  • 100 lei for the second registration (second option);
  • 50 lei for the third and subsequent registrations (options).

The fee is to be paid at the faculty’s office or online in the account RO47RNCB007601045452620044

opened at BCR sector 5 Bucharest.

Ben Heine, Pencil vs. Camera

Admission is based on the BA average grade and on:
1. A 5-10 page essay, on a topic of your choice, with a conceptual or methodological perspective, for example: (1) Current conceptual discussions in sociological research: What concepts do you find interesting? How do they illuminate social reality? How are they used in social research? (2) Methodological discussion in sociological research: What methods do you find interesting? How can they reveal interesting aspects of society? What are their limitations, and what are their advantages in relation to other methods?
2. An interview focused on presenting and defending the essay.
The essay should be written in English; the interview will take place in English as well.

Guidelines for the essay: You are free to choose your topic, approach and writing style. You may find a good starting point in something that you are already familiar with, such as your diploma thesis, or an article or author that you like. You can then search for novel articles on that topic, for example on Google Academic, and discuss the debates and questions that you find interesting.

Some examples, for illustration purposes, include: What are some useful concepts for a sociological study of online dating? How can Goffman’s “presentation of self” illuminate life on social media? What sociological methods are useful to capture online realities? What is the current debate on the concept of “anomie”, or on the concept of “happiness” – from a sociological perspective? How do authors discuss the relevance (or irrelevance) of questionnaires in social research, or of experiments? What are the benefits and risks of classifications based on empirical evidence? How can we understand and observe the diversity of masculinities and femininities? What is the sociological relevance of the concept of “ethnicity” in current research on Roma / Gypsies or other ethnic categories?